Blue Dolphin Surf and Travel
Mission | Mission | Specials | Destinations | Places We've Been | Surf Links | Dolphin Links | Travel Tools | Booking and Information Form


Welcome to Blue Dolphin Surf and Travel!
We are a full-service travel agency with a focus on surf travel, dolphin swims and Hawaii. Our website will continue to evolve and improve so check back here often, and remember to bookmark us! Please feel free to "surf" around and if you don't find the answers to your questions, or information about a trip or destination you would like to travel to, please fill out the form on the Booking/Information page or you may contact us at the numbers listed below. We also welcome any feedback you might have by signing our guest book! If you like our site, please tell your friends using the link below.

Quote of the Day

Far away in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they

-Louisa May Alcott



Honoloa Bay, Maui

Blue Dolphin Surf and Travel
Beth Elwell
Valley Village, CA
Phone: 818-763-2228
Fax: 413-638-8200
Pager: 818-318-SURF
CST #2060809-40





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